Certified Training Services
Availability of Certified Training Services TBA
Certified Training Service Overview
Single Service Location | Franchises, Chains, Multiple Service Locations | |
Certified Training Services
Optional service. One-time service fee to receive access to the training and support for the processing of autmotive wheels in a laser engraving system. |
Optional;This service is completely optional, and is not a condition of sale for equipment purchases. Pricing TBA
Fee to receive training in LMW's methodology for processing automotive wheels in a laser engraving system. |
Optional;This service is completely optional, and is not a condition of sale for equipment purchases. Varies based on org size.
Certified Training Service Fees will be determined by organization size. |
Training Course Duration
Duration of Process Training |
2 Weeks
Standard course length for single-site training.
Varies based on org size
Training logistics will be coordinated with organizations with multiple service locations.
Number of Seats
Number of seats available to Client Personnel who will be participating in the training seminar.
3 Seats
Certified Training includes 3 seats allocated for Client Personnel to receive training. Typical allocation of seminar seats will be: |
Varies based on org size
Number of seats will depend on size and scope of the organization.
Additional Training Seminar Seats
If the organization wants to have additional personnel sit in and partake in training, additional seats can be ordered.
Pricing TBA
Fee to increase the permitted number of personnel allowed to participate in training.
Varies based on org size
Per-seat cost will be determined based on size and scope of the organization.
Minimum Equipment Required
Certified Training is a hands-on seminar, at your facility, using our workstations. Fully equipped and operational laser workstation is required to be onsite in order to facilitate training. |
200W Laser Workstation | 200W Laser Workstation |
Custom Fixturing
Certified Training includes 1 custom fixture that will be manufactured to accommodate a customer-specified bolt-pattern for the training (sacrificial) wheel that will be used throughout the training seminar.
Additional custom fixturing plates can be ordered.
Additional custom fixturing plates can be ordered.
Design Software
1-year software license is included. Process Training Services Required. |
1-seat license to software suite for the development of the production program. Additional seats may be ordered. Process Training Services required. |
1-year license for 1-seat for design software suite is included. Additional seats and subscriptions can be purchased through Laser My Wheels. Process Training Services required. |
Certified Vendor Search
Companies who purchase Certified Training Services will be added to our searchable certified vendor list, to help your customers find them!
Under development. Included with Certified Training, at no additional charge.
Under development. Included with Certified Training, at no additional charge.
General Support
Basic trouble ticket, and remote assistance services. Process Training Services required. |
2 Years
Access to General Support Services are available for 2 years. Continued access available with a subscription of $199/month, charged annually. Combined rate of $349/month, charged annually, when also subscribed to Technical Bulletins. |
2 Years
Access to Technical Bulletins are available for 2 years. Continued access available with an annual subscription. Subscription rate is variable, based on organization size. |
Technical Bulletins
Documents that inform Clients regarding process improvements, solutions and workarounds to known issues, etc. Certified Training Services required. |
2 Years
Access to Technical Bulletins are available for 2 years. Continued access available with a subscription of $299/month, charged annually. Combined rate of $349/month, charged annually, when also subscribed to General Support. |
2 Years
Access to Technical Bulletins are available for 2 years. Continued access available with an annual subscription. Subscription rate is variable, depending on organization size. |
Advanced Technical Services
Concierge-level onsite Technical Assistance Services. Per-incident pricing. Annual plans available. |
Optional, Quote Required | Optional, Quote Required |
Service Availability
Countries and locations that are eligible to receive Process Training.
USA; Internationally
Additional Service Fees will be required in order to facilitate setup of these services for companies that operate outside of the United States.
USA; Internationally
Additional Service Fees will be required in order to facilitate setup of these services for companies that operate outside of the United States.